Please visit Facebook for our latest updates: The Community Project: Ethiopia
We are The Community Project.
We are working together with the community of Debre Birhan and partners across the world to build an educational campus of opportunity for our village children.
We support a strong sustainable community, giving children a future that includes economic opportunity.
Our project in Ethiopia includes a K-8 school, educational/micro enterprise gardens, orchards, farm and a skills-training community center.
With heartfelt thanks, please support opportunity through education for self sufficiency in Ethiopia.
About your Donation
- $42 donation buys hand-tools for two volunteers.
- $130 donation buys 4 bags of delivered cement and labor to mix it.
- $1400 builds 4 big classroom vegetable gardens
- $5,000 donation buys one eco-friendly toilet.
- $20,000 donation builds one classroom serving 50+ children each day and hours of skills training after school hours, for generations to come.
- $30,000 donation buys the middle school science lab.
- $5,150 donation will buy a smooth surface for the basketball court, greatly in need.
Your donation will help build …
- K-8 school to educate 1,000+ students and a community of more than 4,000 in Ethiopia.
- Eco-friendly composting toilets for teachers.
- Community Center for skills training and community health services.
- Library.
- Educational vegetable gardens for each classroom.
- Marketplace and workforce training.
- Special area for athletics and play. A 400 meter track is one of our goals.
Your donation will support …
- The community of more than 4,000 in Ethiopia.
- The work of an all-volunteer organization.
- K-8 Education.
- Growing food security.
- Improved sanitation.
- Adult skills training.
- Community building.
- Long term sustainability.
- A project that helps people and our planet.